Gemma’s life has transformed in the
last 2 months after 16 years of frustration
Her situation was a little different from the
typical person who joins the Fit Body Farm
I discovered during her strategy call that
although she didn’t have much weight to
lose she was unhealthy, unhappy and
lacking confidence
Her big issue was actually her skin
Now we’re not skin experts but having
heard a lot of people say how much more
their skin glows since following our nutrition
principles I knew there was a good chance
we could help her
Thing is her case was pretty extreme
She had struggled with eczema and acne
since she could remember and had been
desperately trying to find the magic cure for
the last 16 years.
Her quest involved..
• Consulting a private dermatologist in London 3 times, another in Glasgow once and another through the NHS
• Visiting a Chinese herbalist in London twice
• She reckons in total she’d been to see 15-20 people about her skin
• All in Gemma has spent £5000 on herbs, facials, resurfacing treatments, lotions and potions.
• She been prescribed antibiotic lotions and tablets as well as strong (skin destroying/thinning) steroid creams
She’d been told it was a catch 22 because
only the eczema or the acne could be treated
(not both together)
The conclusion was that she would ‘just have
to live with it and manage the best she could’
Not easy to hear since it was affecting Gemma’s
self esteem and confidence socially and
She missed work at times because her skin
was so sore, irritated and embarrassing.
Her friends used to tell her to ‘cake herself in
make up’ because it was so bad
As I listened to all of this I realised that (in
here desperation for a quick fix) she was trying
to treat the problem and not the underlying issue
There was one thing she hadn’t tried that
I knew about…
Giving up dairy
I did a bit of reading and spoke to a nutritionist
and she confirmed that Gemma should give up
dairy for 3 months and see if her skin improves
Gemma was willing to do whatever it took
Two months down the line now and she says
her skin is in the best condition she can remember.
Her friends and family are all saying the same
Plus she’s waaay happier and more confident now.
If only she’d known sooner
Now I’m not saying you have to completely give
up dairy but there are a few lessons you can take
from this
1 Stop looking for quick fixes and address the underlying issue and your lifestyle habits
2 Be prepared to invest in yourself, do what it takes to get what you want and never give up
3 Fill in this application form, book a strategy call with me and potentially change your life
Gavin ‘who’d have thought’ Hogarth
P.S Gemma’s situation really shows that the best option is to shoot for becoming healthier and as a result many ailments will correct themselves plus you’ll lose weight if you have weight to lose as well.