Archive Monthly Archives: October 2015

Red Lining it

Each week i’ll do 2-3 workouts where at least once, during that workout, I briefly ‘red line’ it In other words I go to my limit or certainly very close so I actually HAVE to take a recovery. That’s cool to do that, especially when you’ve been training for a while But what about the […]

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We love to swing…Oh…er…;)

Had a pretty epic day on Sunday with some FBF members, their friends and family Part of being an FBF member is the opportunity to take part in fun events that may also push you out your comfort zone This time 16 of us headed off to Peebles to take part in Go Ape… – Balance […]

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The Rabbits put me on my backside

Rabbit chasing was a bit of a drunken past time for me back in my Uni days. If you’ve been to Stirling Uni you’ll know that you can literally walk past a patch of grass and they’ll be 20 of them just chilling out. Stay with me, there’s a point to this. So one night […]

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11 Ways you know you’re are winning WITHOUT stepping on the scales

Is the number on the scales or your clothes size your main measure of success with your programme? If it is then you’re very likely in for some good short term results followed by a downward spiral resulting in you being heavier than you were before you started Llast week I was speaking to Debbie […]

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Ever done what Iain did? Bet you £5 you have….

Ok, so look, I’m gonna level up with you right now, before I crack on I’ve DONE this. Plenty of times in the past, before I ‘saw the light’ Being beaten, by yourself, before you’ve begun. People do this ALL the time. In life, in fat loss/body composition goals, in fitness goals, in sports. In […]

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