Is it just me thinking this
Or is there’s alotta people getting
colds, coughs or the flu just now
Every day I hear of a ‘new case’
I’ve got some great remedies for
you today if you’re one of them
But first I’m going to suggest that
it could be your fault that you got
sick in the first place
Probably the last thing you want to
hear right now
But hear me out
(before you get your snot covered
hankies in a twist 😉
Now you might heard this story before
but maybe not acted upon it?
Let’s see
IMAGINE if you threw a grass seed
onto the Olympic running track in London
It is 100% impossible for the grass seed
to take root.
Because the environment is not conducive to growth.
However if you throw a grass seed onto
the lush
grass on the infield, where the throwing events
take place, the seed will take root.
Because the environment allows this to happen.
It is the same with us
We can only catch disease from outside
sources if our internal environment is
right for disease/germs to get a foot hold
and make it’s new home within us.
The problem is we seem to be obsessed
with germs causing disease but it’s likely
you get sick by germs seeking a natural
unhealthy, acidic (remember that word)
How can we FIGHT BACK and create
a more alkaline environment so
we’re much less likely get sick?
Simply focus and eating more alkaline
foods like fresh fruit and veg to balance
out acidic foods like meat and grains.
Fizzy drinks, coffee and alcohol are highly
acidic so they are the most likely offenders
if you’re feeling lousy.
A great addition to your daily routine would
be having a greens drink like Lean Greens
first thing in the morning (that’s when your
most acidic) to give yourself an instant
alkaline hit.
Try giving your kids a scoop as well so they
are the only ones in their class without a
snotty nose this winter
But what if you’re already caught a
cold, cough or full on flu?
It’s cool, I’ve got your back.
I’ve done my reading and come up with…
• Tips to manage colds and flu if you do catch them
• Super foods for colds and flu so you get over them quickly
• Recipes using the super foods
Click here >>>Cold prevention and managment
to get this freebie now and make sure your beating
the bug, not helping it
Gavin ‘environ-mentalist’ Hogarth
P.S Listen, I’m sending you this info because
it pains me to see how easily
people get ill at this time of year
As well as feeling like crap, colds stop
you from exercising as well, which just
compounds things
P.P.S If you’re an Fit Body Farm member
reading this then use the info
We want everybody getting to every
workout in full health so we can gallop
into Christmas.
We also have a stock of Lean Greens
available at the Farm as well so you can
create that alkaline (disease free)
environment that you probably want??