Got this email from Jane yesterday…
‘’Haven’t been at classes for last few weeks
– no real reason, just a range of silly things,
injury niggles, full of the cold etc that I’ve used
as an excuse!
I was on the verge of just packing it in to be
honest as I was a bit scunnered with myself
but I’ve noticed a massive decline in my fitness
already, not to mention gaining the lbs
So I’ve given myself a good old talking to
and hoping to get back to FBF and hopefully
back to where I was before Christmas.
I think when you haven’t been for a good few
weeks and missed a lot of classes for me it’s
just a major thought to venture back’’
I totally get that fear of lost fitness that Jane is
In fact I got the same fear on Tuesday night
which resulted in me skipping a workout
Yes even ‘fitness people’ struggle with motivation
to train especially when they spend most of their
day motivating other people and talking about
food and exercise
It’s like you taking your work home. It can be
I hadn’t done a weights workout in nearly two
weeks before last night as I’ve been away skiing
No biggie you might think but just that two week
break was enough to make me worry that I’d
lost fitness and dreading that weights workout
I ended up not going through with it.
I had no appointment to keep.
Nobody caring if I turned up or not.
You’ve probably been there?
You pretty much know what exercise
to do
You pretty much know what food to
eat and what food not to eat
Yet you’re just not doing it.
I could just keep plodding away myself
hoping my mystery motivation will return
I’ve got access to a gym that costs me
nothing and is close by
Yet I’ve decided that tomorrow I’m going
to start making a 40 mile round trip and
pay someone else to coach me at least
once a week
Because I’m not getting the results I want
from trying to do it myself
More importantly I don’t feel part of a
special unit of people like the members
at Fit Body Farm say they do
(Get your violins out for Hogarth – haha)
Also I don’t have someone keeping me
accountable so it’s easier to give myself
permission to fail
Now the first step is always the hardest when
you feel you’ve gone backwards
^^^ That’s what I told Jane ^^^
You have to consider also..
Nobody goes through a continued upward
curve with their fitness.
Think of all the professional athletes that get
injured or take time off
Jessica Ennis has went from Olympic Champ
to taking two years off firstly to have a child
then through injury
Think how far from her peak she feels
Pretty daunting, right?
Think she was shitting herself about her first
training session back?
I guarantee it. Because she’s human.
Good thing is that when you join Fit Body Farm
then everyone has felt how you feel right now.
So put your fear to one side
Because you’re completely normal to us
You just don’t know it yet
Maybe because you’ve been too fearful to
click here and actually take action?
Gavin ‘first step’ Hogarth
P.S If you’re struggling to get in
shape the best thing you can do is hire
someone to keep you accountable.
You should also consider how you are
Are you under or over committing?
Knowing this could be the key to actually
sustaining your progress
Next time I’ll tell you the simple rule we
use at Fit Body Farm to achieve this