Got an email from a lady (we’ll call her Anna)
the other day who has hummed and hawed
about joining FBF for months and months now
May be you have as well?
‘Gavin FBF sounds fab, the exercise plan is perfect.
What i find hard is the complete change to my
eating habits. I drink coffee, I love bread especially
homemade fresh bread, I enjoy pasta, I like yoghurt,
I love veg so that’s fine, I hate eggs and I don’t drink
milk. I do enjoy a wee glass of vino at the weekend.
If I could do your exercise with a less intense focus
on your diet I would love it.’
Have you been put off because you think we operate
a ‘strict diet’ at Fit Body Farm?
If so then you’ve probably mis-understood just like
Anna has (I’ll tell you why soon)
Let me say first What’s the point in starting a diet that
you have very little belief you can sustain?
Yes we’ve got advanced strategies we use to break
through weight loss plateau’s but these are reserved
for people that are already healthy and we’ve helped
gradually change their habits so they are mentally
and physically ready for the next challenge.
^^^ If you think you’re already there then drop
me an email as we may have openings next
month for an advanced programme ^^^
Anyways most people I speak to don’t want
(or need) another extreme diet
(someone mentioned the water diet the
other day – wtf?) BUT the pressure to
get results quickly makes fads the popular
choice for weight loss
No body seems to think about the 96% of
people of dieters who regain all the weight
or more within a year.
On the other hand, we’re proud of the 76%
of people who come to FBF and a year later say
they are maintaining their results or still
seeing improvements
Clearly we’re doing something right
Might be just what you need?
Drop me an email and let’s find out :) OR
keep letting your beliefs hold you back
Gavin ‘mis-understood?’ Hogarth
P.S Sounds like Anna has the wrong
mindset when it comes to food. It’s
called a scarcity mindset. In other
words she is only focused on giving
things up and feeling deprived rather
than adding foods and behaviours to
her routine that give her a sense of
achievement that make her want to
keep going towards to getting the
results she wants.
I’ll tell you what my response to her
was next time.
I might even ask her out for a wee
vino next weekend 😉