IMAGINE what you could do in just 8 weeks


Are you still wanting help to get in shape?

We’re almost at capacity now at
Fit Body Farm so if you’re still keen to get
on board but just haven’t quite found the
courage to fill in this application form
then now really is the time to put your fears
to one side and go for it.

Even if you’re on holiday right now or are
going away soon we can still put a plan in
place to help you move forward massively

Imagine for a moment what you could
achieve in just 8 weeks…


”Have had a great 8 weeks at all the workouts.

Love that everyone helps motivate each other…
that has really helped my journey!

So in the 8 weeks I have lost one stone and
one pound….can’t believe it!! My clothes are
fitting better…..almost ready for a a shopping
trip to replace things that are getting too big
for me.

Finding the meal advice and plans really easy
to follow and family friendly.

All in all feeling great and still feeling motivated
to continue my journey with FBF!! ‘


Can’t believe that’s 8wks done. Kind of signed
up on the basis that I knew I had to, but
dreading it at the same time.

Had a fair few doubts about how I’d cope with
moving from the couch to the gym and sticking
to a healthy eating plan – not to mention being
a guy who just doesn’t do that sort of thing
or tell people how he’s feeling.

However, it’s been much, much easier than
I thought and enjoyable too. Having just done
my weekly measure, I can see than after
8wks I’ve lost 27lb, and 11 1/4 inches across
my body – absolutely gobsmacked and
delighted with this result

Even more than the reduction in lbs and inches,
is the feeling of being nearly 2stone lighter:

I’m definitely feeling much healthier, fitter,
more flexible, less lethargic and actually looking
forward to workout days – others are noticing
this too which is massively reinforcing!

Going on holiday in 2weeks time so I’m hitting
the shops on Wednesday for some new / smaller
clothes (trousers almost fell down last week at
airport security when I had to take my belt off

I’ve just re-read my original goals, still a bit to
go but feeling well on my way to achieving these
and have signed up to FBF to help me turn what
I’ve learnt into habits I can stick to for the future.
Thanks to everyone and look forward to keeping
the journey going at FBF.”


I’ve had a fantastic 8 weeks!! I feel so much better
than I did 2 months ago.

I’m sleeping better and I have so much more
energy! I’ve lost 1 stone and 5lbs and 19″ overall
which I am ridiculously delighted about .

Thank you so much for your help and support,
I would not have been able to do that on my own”

Gavin ‘your time?’ Hogarth

P.S I’m away on holiday in a weeks time so if
you seriously want results like Shelagh, Neil
and Kirsty then you need to fill in this form
quickly so we can arrange your strategy call
before Tuesday

Speak soon?

About the Author Gavin Hogarth

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