Turn left and start running again or turn right and go home for a pig out on the sofa?
That’s the deliberation I had with myself whilst standing like a numpty in my street on Sunday
I’d only managed 90 seconds of running before I gave up
I was turning towards home when a voice in my head (Yep I’m a little nutty) said
‘Gavin, turn the f*** around and get running
You’re not giving up this time, not AGAIN’
(yep this isn’t the first time this has happened)
So I listened and started running again
I still wasn’t feeling that motivated and a bit tired so I started with lower expectations
I went slower and started planning a shorter route as a I went
10 minutes later I was in Dean Park doing my favourite intervals session
I was starting to feel good again. I was breathing heavily but the tiredness and aches in my body were going. Suddenly my mood had shifted massively in a positive direction
30 minutes later I was back home and had actually done more than I’d intended
It doesn’t always happen but I was pretty pleased that I’d listed to the voice that told me to ‘turn the f*** around’
And I’m going to say the same to you
In fact I’m going to challenge you
When you’re at that point of deliberation, or the point of giving up when you’ve barely started
Whether it’s to do with exercise,
eating, or a task at home or work that
you don’t want to do
You know when completed is going
to benefit your mind or body
Your challenge is to tell yourself to
‘turn the f*** around, this isn’t me,
it might have used to have been,
but not anymore’
Later this week I’ll hit you up with that
favourite session I did on Sunday
so you can consider adding it into
your training
I should say that even if you can only walk at 1 mph then you can can still do the session
Look out for that email
Gavin ‘I challenge you’ Hogarth
P.S If you’re regularly struggling to motivate yourself and easily talk yourself out of going to gym, exercise class or working out on your own then let me ask you this…
Is it the workout that’s the issue or the lack of accountability being given by those taking the workout?
That’s just one of the reason’s at FB F we don’t do pay as you go, turn up as you please, no body gives a shit classes.
Right now our membership and attendance is as high as its been all year whilst other gyms and classes are sitting empty with bored instructors.
Why is that?
If you fill in this form then I’ll show you at our next intake