Red Lining it

Each week i’ll do 2-3 workouts
where at least once, during that
workout, I briefly ‘red line’ it

In other words I go to my limit or
certainly very close so I actually
HAVE to take a recovery.

That’s cool to do that, especially
when you’ve been training for a

But what about the days in-between
those challenging workouts?

Yesterday I was out running and
deliberately didn’t give my best effort

Still got breathless, still got a sweat on
but I was holding back 10 or 20%
and felt great afterward.

This ‘active recovery’ had me feeling
more motivated for a harder workout

To give you the lo-down…

Active recovery typically includes
cardio exercises (walk, running,
cycling, swimming etc) done at pace
that for you feels ‘comfortably hard’.

You’d feel a bit breathless, not quite
in full conversation mode but still
able to respond with a few short
sentences if someone was to ask
you a question.

At the end of an active recovery you
should feel energised not destroyed
so you’re actually rejuvenated by
the time your next hard workout
comes up.

Problem is most people either…

Go max effort at every workout
and do little activity in between

OR, on the flip side,

Stay within their comfort zone,
and chin wag their way through
the workout.

Each has it’s place

If you continually red line it you risk
burn out and injury

If you don’t push your limits regularly
then you don’t see improvements
and risk frustration and a dip in

Which do you do?

To see gains in your fitness and energy
levels it’s important you mix both styles
Gavin ‘finding a balance’ Hogarth
P.S I’ve started writing a book for people
struggling with motivation and answers as
to how to to lose weight AND crucially keep
it off.

It’ll be based on 4 1/2 years worth of
observations I’ve made as to why people
find this so dam hard and what they need
to do to be successful.

Watch this space…..

About the Author Gavin Hogarth

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