Rabbit chasing was a bit of a drunken
past time for me back in my Uni days.
If you’ve been to Stirling Uni you’ll know
that you can literally walk past a patch
of grass and they’ll be 20 of them just
chilling out.
Stay with me, there’s a point to this.
So one night me and my chums were
walking back from the student union after
a few too many cider and blackcurrant’s.
We spotted all the rabbits on the grass
outside our halls and decided we were
going to catch one.
Problem was there were so many to
choose from that I kept changing my
mind about which one to pursue
(read that again)
They also out did me with quick changes
of direction and together with the wet grass
I ended up falling on my backside and
getting covered in mud – I swear I could
hear lots of sniggering bunny laughs
come from the bushes.
Anyways my point is this
If you try to chase 1 rabbit then you’re
far more likely to catch it.
If you try to chase 2 rabbits then you
won’t catch any.
Which fits with the theme of this new
coaching course starting on Monday.
Last night I was speaking to Fiona after
she’d applied. There’s one thing she said
that made me think that the course was
perfect for her.
She talked about how following lots of
different fitness people online, through twitter,
facebook, instagram, pintrest plus having
tried lots of different diets had left her
completelely confused and overwhelmed.
With so many ‘Rabbits to chase’ she struggled
to work out what was relevant to her and
where to start.
See without any clarity or focus you ended up
just going round in circles, chasing the latest
Rabbit you see before the next one pops up
from it’s borrow.
Catch my drift?
Go here and catch one rabbit at a time
Gavin ‘don’t fall on your ass’ Hogarth
P.S If you’re similar to Fiona my advice is
to start UNfollowing people.