What’s your Everest and how close have you come?

Everest. Great Film.

Saw it last Friday

I didn’t realised that you have to spend
like 3 weeks at base camp acclimatising
to the lack of Oxygen

It goes something like this….

During week 1 the climbers go up from base camp to Camp 1

Then on week 2 they go up and down from base camp to camp 2

Then on week 3 (you guessed it) they go up and down to camp 3

Then on week 4 they go for the summit

Some people don’t even get to the opportunity
to go for the summit because their body can’t
handle the conditions

Kinda reminds me of the people who find some
courage whilst reading my emails except its your
mindset that stops you from getting to the summit
(not the conditions)

Which Everest Camp have you gotten to?

BASE CAMP- Clicked apply to join Fit Body Farm

Yes I did that (move to Camp 1)

No I’ve only hovered the cursor over the link
(stay at Base Camp)

CAMP 1: Filled in the form with something like…

‘I feel frustrated and annoyed about the way I
currently look, and how I have let myself get this way.’

Yes I did that (move to Camp 2))

No it’s easier to stay as I am rather than admit
the truth (move back to Base Camp)

CAMP 2: Received a text message from FBF
to arrange a time for a strategy call to help you
push forward

Yes I got it and replied (move to Camp 3))

Eh…I got it, read it but needed to think about it some
more (even though I wrote ‘I’’ve never been more
ready to committ. I’ll give this 110% in every way’’
on the application form) so never replied.
(Stay at Camp 2)

CAMP 3: Phone rings at scheduled time and you
answer and we have a conversation

Yes I had the call and got tremendous clarity and
focus on what I’m going to do to become happier
and feel better (Move to your Summit)

No I got scared and let it ring out (‘’phew that
was a close one, almost got out of procrastination
mode there, still feeling pissed off with myself but
at least normality has resumed’’)
(Move back to Camp 2)

If you’ve gotten stuck at any of the camps above
then it doesn’t make you a bad person, you just
haven’t learnt how good being fearful is and how
you can use it to your advantage

I’m going to make it easier for you now

So you don’t even have to speak to me
(if you don’t want to)

On Tuesday night we’re hosting a relaxed open
night at the Fit Body Farm

We’ve 8 spots left.

So if you’re curious and just want to check out
what we’re all about then this is the perfect
opportunity to do that

PLUS you’ll learn a bundle of things about
losing weight and keeping it off.

Can’t make it easier for you than that…

Book your seat here

Gavin ‘start climbing’ Hogarth

P.S Everyones Everest is different – I totally get that.

For one person it could be winning Olympic
Gold but for another (and most of the people
that come to FBF) coming and completing
3 workouts in a week is huge progress.

Whatever your Everest is, taking the first step
is always the biggest challenge

But what’s the alternative?


About the Author Gavin Hogarth

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